beepro is a bee monitoring system, it measures beehives relevant information (such as temperature, humidity and weight).


beepro is made of a main unit (beepro master node) and some sensor modules. The sensors are mounted on one or more beehives and the data is automatically sento to a server. The beekeepeer can monitor his hives on a webpage.


All our sensors are conceived to be easily mounted on the hive and to avoid disturbing the beekeepers during operations and inspections.

No radio pollution

For the sake of bees, beepro does not use any wireless technology near or inside the hive to avoid radio pollution.


All components installed inside or near to the hive, are conceived to be non intrusive for bees.

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Base kit

beepro is made of a main unit (beepro master node) and some modules. Each module contains one or more sensors and sends data to the master node. The modular system makes it higly flexible and easily fits every beekeeper’s needs.

Master node

Connects your hives to the beepro cloud.

Sensor bar

Measures temperature and humidity in 5 different positions.


Measures hive’s weight, ambient temperature and humidity.


To collect, view, analyze and manage all of your hive’s data.

Like fitbit...
for bees

Beta hives

See the data from our BETA hives in Mergoscia and Gola di lago in real-time.

Beta hives


beepro delivers to all beekeepers a set of new tools and services allowing them to optimize the management of beehives. It also produces a big amount of data useful for the scientific community and is a valid support for educational activities.


Thanks to is modular system, beepro is easily expandable and fits every need.


All components installed inside or near to the hive, are conceived to be non intrusive for bees.


beepro produces a big amount of useful data for scientists and educators.


Fondazione Möbius Lugano. 2018. Vincitori al Möbius 2018. [10.2018].
Daniela Giannini 2018. L'app ticinese che salva le api. [10.2018].
RSI. 2018. Il Quotidiano. Un'app salva api. [10.2018].
Patrick Mancini 2018. Con un touch, trovo posteggio, controllo la frana e seguo l’ape. [10.2018].
RSI Rete UNO. 2018. Millevoci. Premio Möbius multimedia Lugano 2018 con uno sguardo all'ambiente. Podcast: Web: [09.2018].
Fondazione Möbius Lugano. 2018. Premio Möbius Multimedia Lugano 2018. [09.2018].
Laura Mella. 2018. Così l'arnia diventa touch. [09.2018].
Davide Giordano. 2018. In Ticino tante idee geniali: ma come trasformarle in business?. [09.2018].
Centro Promozione Start-up. 2018. 3 mesi d’accelerazione per i 25 progetti innovativi ammessi. [09.2018].
SUPSI. 2018. 3 mesi d’accelerazione per i 25 progetti innovativi ammessi alla «StartCup Ticino» 2017. [09.2018].
Daniele Besomi. 2017. Le api e l’acido ossalico. L'ape, 12/2017, 12-17. PDF
Cooperazione. 2014. Anche le api vanno a scuola. E navigano sul web. [09.2018].

beepro 1st
Möbius Suisse GP 2018